Every student is expected to keep up the good name of the school by her/his noble works and behavior. Disobedience or conduct injurious to the moral tone of the school, justifies dismissal on the spot. In less serious cases two official warnings will be given to the student before the final step is taken.
Students should be regular and punctual. The school gate will be closed at the first bell at 07.50 am. The latecomers will not be allowed to enter school premises. At 07.55 am all the students must be present for the school assembly.
Students once inside the school premises will not be allowed to go home during the class hours except for the very serious reasons such as serious illness or death in the family. This is considered only after filling the leave note form which is available in the office.
Students who violate discipline grossly by misbehaving, disobedience cheating in the examination, changing marks in the Report card etc. their names will be either struck off from the school register or they will be given appropriate punishment according to the gravity.
Any damage to the school property is to be made good by the concerned student or by the class responsible for it.
Politeness and courtesy
Politeness and courtesy of speech are much emphasized. Students spilling ink littering papers, scribbling on the school desks or walls, stealing or damaging other student’s belonging or school property will be liable to deserve punishment to the extent of a heavy fine to cover the damage, suspension or even dismissal.
Students are not allowed to give gifts to teachers.
Valuable Articles
All articles found in the school and not claimed for, shall be disposed of after a month. Students are not permitted to bring to the school valuable articles. The school will not be responsible for any loss of articles of the students.
Physical Education
Outdoors games and physical education and work experience will be compulsory for all the students. Exemption may be granted only after parents meet the Principal or personally with written application for the same and if reason is found valid.
Discipline Committee
In case of doubt regarding interpretation of the school rules, the decision of the discipline committee (i.e. School Managing Committee) is final and no appeal lies anywhere.